Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This morning Linda and I went to Duluth to buy a few things for camp. On the way we stopped by the Superior Lighthouse just east of the city of Superior. I am always amazed at this lighthouse. Last winter I took several pictures with all the ice and snow, so I decided to get a few shots in the summer. I tried to take photos from different positions and with different settings on the camera. Maybe next time I will try to shoot it at night or at sunset. It reminds us that we have a "Lighthouse" that is there to guide and direct us daily through every storm of life and even when the waters are calm.

The other day I was reading an article in a photo magazine about "Pinhole cameras". The article was about a couple of "pinhole cameras" that you could buy for a couple of hundred dollars. It also mentioned that a person could simply put a hole in a camera cap and shoot through that. For the fun of it I decided to take an old camera lens cap and drill a 3/8 inch hole in the center, just to see if it would really work - IT DID! At first I took a few pictures without the flash, but then realized that the flash made a sharper and more distinguished photo. I also learned to control the lens manually instead and not leave it on auto focus. You can see the relults in the photos of Linda's flowers and some wild flowers that it works quite well. I am still learning, but the process is fun! let me know what you think or if you would like to try it. It is a whole lot cheaper than an expensive camera.