Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunset Bells

Most of the time, the simplest things make greatest photographs. As I passed by the little town hall on County Road N, the sun was in just the right position to shine through the bell. Imagine this bell ringing many years ago at the start of school in the morning and see the kids march into the little school house. In recent years the building has been used for 4-H and other programs. Tonight as the sun shined through the bell it suddenly took on a life of its own. What amazing stories could it tell of kids and teachers over the years. How many kids had to walk to school and how many were late and came in way after the bell rang? Who rang the bell - the school teacher or one of the kids? If photos don't make you ask questions, then they are pointless and of little value. Praise God for a good imagination and countless questions.What kind of questions do you have about the bells?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Snow in May - Curse or Blessing?

A lady in my second church always would remind me to "Take time to smell the roses!" When we get a snow storm on May 2nd that is a good time to take some time to smell the roses. We can look at this snow as a curse or a blessing. I like what Larry Samson said today on my Facebook page "What you can't change enjoy!" When I was going into town this morning, I was actually quite excited. To a photographer this was a gift from heaven. What a beautiful day to get out and take a few photos. That was very evident when I looked at Facebook this morning. Everybody and his neighbor was putting up pictures of the snow. Some people were cursing the snow, but some thought it was quite amazing. One thing about our amazing God He always keeps life interesting.As you look at these photos I took today, what do you see - a curse or a blessing?