Friday, May 27, 2016

Rainy Day Photos

Here it is - Memorial Day Weekend. This is a time to remember those men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. These flowers are dedicated to them and to their memory. The rain today just made these flowers "pop" just that much more. Enjoy and say a prayer for the families of these brave men and women.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Split Rock Lighthouse

After a long weekend and with a ton of stuff to do, I decided to take Monday off and travel to the north shore and take in Split Rock Lighthouse. What a blessing to be on the lake shore and looking up at the grand lighthouse. The shore was full of large and small rocks that made it a little hard to walk on, but worth the extra effort. Someone had piled up some rocks on the shore, which made a great foreground of the light house. This is the first time I noticed a stream flowing inside the woods next to the shore. I think I took more pictures of the stream than I did of the lighthouse.  My only problem was that I took a wrong turn going back to the car and ended up taking an extra mile trip that I was not planning. Here are some of the photos I took on Monday. Enjoy and let me know which one you like the best. Thanks... 


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Blessings of Rain

Most people think that the best time to take photos of flowers is when it is bright and sunny. Actually I have found that an even better time is when it is cloudy and overcast. The light is more even and you don't get over exposure photos. If you have ever tried to shoot a bright yellow or white flower when it is sunny, you will know what I mean. It ends up way over exposed and faded. Today was perfect. It was not only cloudy, but it was also raining, leaving dew drops on the flowers. When God provides the rain, it is not just to nourish the flowers, but it also gives them a special beauty that can only come from Him!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Goose a Goose?

One thing we do not lack here in N.W. Wisconsin is Canadian Geese. They are here by the thousands (and so are the little presents they leave behind - Goose Grease). This is an amazing time of year as they lay their eggs, mind the nests and as the baby gosling are born. Just as amazing is watching the parents train and raise their young. This afternoon, I had the joy of taking a few pictures of these special families at the Rice Lake beach. As I was shooting, I saw something that totally blew me away. While a mom and dad goose, were attending to their young, another goose came near and interfered and a goose fight broke out - not once but twice. What a commotion! Now I know what they mean when they say, "Madder than a wet hen!", and they were mad and protective. Here are a few photos from today of the geese and also a duck thrown in.