Sunday, November 27, 2016

Soar Like an Eagle

Over the years the Lord has provided many opportunities to take photos of eagles. Every time I see one of these majestic birds, I am amazed at their beauty and gracefulness. Yesterday on County Road K, up in a tree, was this glorious eagle, just sitting there waiting for me to snap a few photos. I took a few from inside the car and then dared to get out and a little closer. Then it happened, he started to take flight. All I can say is WOW! Below you can see a few of the photos I was able to take. Enjoy and let me know which one you like the best. Thanks. Then go read Isaiah 40:31. It is worth the read.

Monday, November 14, 2016

One Day Photo

This morning I had an appointment in Barron and afterwords I decided to take a day trip to the Ladysmith area and take a "few" photos. What a Day! In a short amount of time the Lord allowed me to take several photos of barns, lakes and wildlife, even a one seat outhouse!. I was amazed at some of the old colorful barns and especially the ones that are falling apart. In front of one of the barns were 2 horses eating their lunch. As I stood by the fence, they decided to come and visit me so  I could take some portrait shots of them. They were good models. As I was getting ready to take a few photos near the river, the geese took off with a thunder. There were also some turkeys that I was able to shoot as they took off. Now that was a great day of taking photos.This why I love photography!

Friday, November 4, 2016

November Sunrise

So far I have not heard anyone complain about the exceptional weather so far this November. We realize that before long winter will be upon us, but in the mean time, Praise God for this beautiful weather. One thing about it is the sunsets and sunrises have been dramatic and fun to photograph. Last night I was able to capture this windmill in the sunset. I really love the contrasting colors. Then this morning I headed to Sarona and shot the barn and pond scene in the sunrise and also the barn with the sun behind it. Silhouettes have always been a favorite of mine.