Wednesday, February 15, 2017

More Barns???

The addiction continues! Everywhere I go I see barns that need to have their picture taken. They just sit there looking so majestic and with a story to tell. You would think that I have taken pictures of every barn in the nearby counties. Well guess again! There are so many barns and they are all unique. Here are a few more from this past week right here in Washburn County or nearby. Enjoy and God Bless!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Barns in Winter

Recently I have really been fascinated with barns - especially in winter. The contrast of the white snow on the ground and on the roofs with the red or white barns simply makes for a great photo. One of the areas where there are several barns is west of Shell Lake and north of Cumberland. I love taking photos of these old relics, but what I would really like to do is get permission to get inside the barns or even behind them to see what treasures are hidden from view. I am sure there are many stories to be told from the inside out. If you happen to know someone that would give me permission to do this, pleas let me know. I have already made calendars and a table top flip book of barns here in Wisconsin. If you would like one, simply ask! Thanks... Here are some barns and animals from today.