Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Trees and Virgin Snow!

   One of the things that we do not lack here in the North land is trees and lakes. During this long, cold and snowy winter I tried to find isolated trees in the midst of a snow covered field that has not been disturbed. We call this "virgin snow": pure, white and untouched! This is also great for photos of barns and other buildings. I have found a few places where there is an open field of "virgin snow" and a barn or farm in the distance. It used to be that I would always use my wide angle lens for these shots, but lately I have been using the telephoto lens to get the best shots. 

   Below are a few shots of the barns, trees and farms I shot this winter with "Virgin Snow". All of these are God's handiwork. Enjoy and God Bless! Which photo do YOU like the best???


Monday, March 13, 2023

Father of Lights

 For the past few weeks I have been sharing from the Book of James in the New Testament. It is a great book dealing with "How to Deal - in The Real World" and is probably one of the most practical books in the New Testament. James deals with a variety of colorful areas in our life -                     As J. Vernon McGee used to say "This is where the Rubber Meats the Road". James covers such down to earth things such as money, the rich an poor, wisdom, faith and works, and my favorite chapter deals with our greatest and most deadly tool - our tongue! 

    In James 1:17, James tells us that "Every Good Gift and Every Perfect Gift" comes down from the "Father of Lights". The same God who made the Heaven and the Earth and the stars, moon, sun and planets, made us and loves us. He gives us everything we need to deal with the real world! 

   One of the things that gives me great pleasure is stepping outside my shop at night and looking up at the stars before the outside lights come on. What an amazing God we have that made this glorious scene in the sky. This view does not change, neither does our God. There is no variation of shadow of turning with God. You can count and depend on Him. 

  Below is a video I put together called "The Father of Lights". These are photos I took of the sun, moon and stars. Take a few minutes and enjoy the sights and the music. Give God the Glory!!!