Sunday, February 22, 2015

God's Sunset!

A couple of weeks ago, I found a spot south of Spooner that had an amazing sunset over a small creek bed. Tonight the sky was clear and perfect for a beautiful sunset, so off I went to this spot. IT WAS COLD!!!, but worth the time to take a few (over 300) pictures of this spot from different angles. With the cold weather and the cloudy days, there seems to be little to take pictures of, so when things come together like tonight, it only makes sense to take a few pictures. I am always amazed at God's glorious Sunsets! Here are just a few of the shots from tonight! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Camera Club Honors

One of the things I really enjoy is attending the Northern Lights Camera Club meeting once a month in Spooner. It is always a great time exchanging ideas, comparing notes and simply talking about something that we all enjoy - Photography. People who attend are from different levels of taking photos. Most of us are amateurs and are still learning. The best part of the meetings is time spent chatting and talking with each other. Every month we bring photos in to share with each other and to ask questions about. Questions like: Where was this taken?, What shutter speed or aperture did you use? What camera do you shoot with? etc... We also bring in photos for a monthly contest, where we vote on the photo we like the best or best fits into the theme for the month. This months theme was "Twilight/Blue Hour". This seems to be every photographer's favorite hour to shoot. Believe it or not, one of my photos actually won this month! What a complement to be voted on by your peers and beloved photographers. I really felt blesses and honored. Thanks! I should also mention that this month there was only 10 entries and I entered 3 of them. Either way it is still an honor and blessing. Here are the 3 that I entered. Can you guess which one won this month's theme? The club is open to anyone who is interested in photography, no matter what level they are at.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lake Superior in Winter

This week we have busy getting our prayer letter ready to mail. Finally it is ready to take to the Post Office, but was a lot of work. Now that part of it is done, I decided to take a break and head for Duluth to take some more photos. This time I ended up at Erickson Park and down by the lake shore. It was a little slippery in areas, but worth the time and effort. This is the first time I have been at the park in the winter. What an amazing site with the ice in layers and everything covered with ice and snow. Here are a few of the photos I took today. Let me know what you thinks...Thanks...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Three Trips North

It always amazes me how God works out the details in our life. A few weeks ago a man gave me 2 older Nikon film cameras, which he had not used in years. The cameras needed some cleaning and some work done on them, but they are worth the effort. Monday of this week, I made a trip to Duluth to do some shopping and to take a few pictures on the way. I also took one of the Nikon film cameras with me to see if First Photo would know how I could get it cleaned up and usable. They suggested a man named Gerry, who lived a few blocks away and who has been working on cameras for over 35 years. As soon as I walked into his house, I knew that I would like this older gentleman. His table was covered with cameras and camera parts. He took one look at my camera and told me that it was a great camera and that he could fix it up. He knows more about film cameras in his little finger than I do in my whole body. I left the camera with him, but had to come back on Wednesday to get it and to bring him the other camera to look at and to clean up for me. To clean that camera up only took about an hour, so I didn't have to make a another trip north. I was very pleased with this man and his knowledge of cameras. Then yesterday, I was having problems with my Nikon D7000 - The lens was stuck on and no matter what I tried I could not get it off. IT WAS STUCK!!!  So today I made another trip to Duluth to visit my new friend, Gerry. Sadly he was not able to get the lens off either, so I either have to send it into Nikon or leave the lens on and use it as is. So it wasn't a wasted trip I stopped by Patterson Park and took photos of the falls. That made the trip worth while, as I looked over God's frozen splendor. God does work out the details, even in 3 trips to the North.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

What's Missing???

In one word I can tell you what is missing during these short winter days - the "SUN". Ever notice that winter without the sun can be very depressing and make you feel simply gloomy? In all of January there might have been 2 or 3 days that the sun actually came out from behind the clouds. I am not complaining, because when you have a day like today, it makes you appreciate the beauty of the sun and even the sunset! As I look at these photos of the sunset tonight I realized that this is something that only a great and powerful God could create and orchestrate. Man has created many beautiful things but he can' make a sunset!