Saturday, December 10, 2011

December Harvest Moon

For the past couple of years I have been waiting and wanting to to take photos of the full moon - especially a harvest moon. This seems almost impossible to capture. It is either cloudy or I am too late in taking the photo. The other problem, (one that almost all photographers experience) is that night shots are very hard to take, even with a DSLR camera. I knew that tonight there would be a full moon, so I prepared for it. Just as it was getting dark, I saw in the East that the moon was full and large and ready to be shot. I should have went out about 15 to 20 minutes earlier. By the time I found a place to shoot the moon, it was higher in the sky and much smaller. I did manage to take a few shots, but it wasn't exactly what I had planned. Maybe next month??? Here are a few of the shots I took. Either way we have an amazing God who has given us the blessing of a full moon and a great night sky. These shots were taken over the Earl Bridge about 5:30 pm tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Job Catching Its Vibrance against the trees. XLNT my friend Merry Christmas 2 U and Urs :-) LL aka5050 lvnv
