Friday, September 25, 2020

Off Key Fall Colors

    Most people really hate it when someone sings or plays "off key". And yet many of these singers are singing with their heart to the Lord and it becomes a melody of grace and love to the Lord! In God's ears it is beautiful music. When I take Fall photos, I tend to be a little "off key" compared to most photographers. This week I saw some amazing fall photos on Facebook that are an amazing testimony to God's creation! My photos may not be "amazing" but they are unique and different than the usual. I try to find scenes that still emphasize the fall theme and yet not the usual rows of colorful fall trees. I still take a few of that type of fall photos, especially on top of a tall hill with the fall colors in the background. 

   Here are a few of the fall photos I took the other day. Many of them were taken at a couple of boat landings on the shore of a lake. Thanks for stopping by and may God be praised for His Fall color pallet.

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